
Te Kōhanga Reo o Tarimano, 2019 Finalist, Excellence in Engaging

Te Kōhanga Reo o Tarimano, 2019 Finalist, Excellence in Engaging This Kōhanga identified the issue of a modern society where whānau had become disengaged with their children’s learning. They focused on engaging their whānau fully to enable the Kōhanga to reach its full potential to improve and sustain positive outcomes for their tamariki as well as the iwi of Ngāti Rangiwewehi.

PMEEA,Prime Minister's Education Excellence Awards,PM Awards,Teaching that changes us all,NZ education,Education excellence,New Zealand education,Education,Awards,Te Kōhanga Reo O Tarimano,Engaging,Finalist,2019,Bay of Plenty,

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