
wearing dentures for the first time? 'expert opinion'

wearing dentures for the first time? 'expert opinion' I must tell you, it will definitely take some time, but if you start gradually, then you will get adjusted in 20–30 days.

Compared to when natural teeth are present denture poses new challenges in chewing. The most important aspect is to maintain the position of the denture while chewing.
Your eating skills must be slowly developed and refined.
Eat soft, non-chewy food from the start so that you learn how to eat and chew with dentures on.
Eat simple types of food such as soft toast, or chopped meat.
Eating hard food items is strictly prohibited.
First-time denture wearers are advised to eat food that requires little chewing.
Tip for chewing is swallowing with a simple push of the tongue against the palate. This will stabilize the denture.
While eating break the food in small parts and then chew it equally from both sides.

Learning to chew satisfactorily with new dentures usually requires at least 6 to 8 weeks.
Once the habit patterns become automatic, the chewing process can take place without conscious effort.

Try to wear them all the time, even sleep with them in the beginning.
Wearing them for 2 days will show up pressure spots that can easily be dealt with. Removing the dentures allows these spots to heal fast! Put them in and go to your dentist to be checked.
Discontinue wearing dentures at night afterward.
You should remove it and put it in water overnight to help tissue breathe.
Dentures exert pressure on soft tissues so the gums need rest to heal and repair.
Soaking your dentures overnight in a cleaning solution reduces the bacteria that can grow on them.
Even though the denture surface seems solid and smooth, it actually has micropores.
You should not wear your dentures when you sleep.

There is also some evidence that the bacteria that cause pneumonia can proliferate and get into your lungs if you wear your dentures while sleeping.

On the other hand, if you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea - a serious condition- there is some evidence that keeping your dentures in while you sleep will reduce the occurrence or lessen the effects of your sleep apnea. People without teeth are more prone to developing it and in people, with it, the denture helps combat it.
This is the only reason to wear your dentures at night.
Otherwise, it is healthier to remove them while you sleep.

First few days initially, you might face communication difficulties. This will overcome with routine speaking practice.
You should read out a book while at home

Do your very best to keep it in your mouth. It can be very difficult at first but just like anything else the more you do it the better you get at it.
Your palate will not be able to sense most of hot/cold food and drinks until the denture is warm enough, and sometime you will be burned form hot tea for instance. You will be mostly depending on the tongue to do the work.
Tongue won’t be as comfortable as in a normal state, because it is trapped in a smaller area.

Don’t push out your tongue

Don’t cut with your front teeth

Eat on your back teeth

Clean and wash after every meal

You can suck on hard candy during the day to create more saliva in your mouth which will help your mouth adjust to this new object in your mouth.
Use a denture adhesive like Fixodent or Fixon so that the denture doesn't move around indoor mouth as you're getting used to it.
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