
What is Rasayana? Ayurveda’s Sacred Longevity Therapies | John Douillard's LifeSpa

What is Rasayana? Ayurveda’s Sacred Longevity Therapies | John Douillard's LifeSpa What is Rasayana? Ayurveda’s Sacred Longevity Therapies | John Douillard's LifeSpa

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Rasayana is one of the eight branches of Ayurveda and is the study of longevity, anti-aging, and rejuvenation. The word rasa means essence, juice, plasma-like substances, lymph, taste, and emotion. Ayana is a special study, path, or to enter.

A rasayana targets ability to break down a food into its nutrient parts (agnis), assimilate them, and circulate them (srotas) to deep tissues or dhatus. A rasayana must also support the body’s ability to remove waste or malas, balancing and strengthening the doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha).

The end result of a rasayana (longevity formula) is to reduce the catabolic process (breakdown) of the body, while increasing the anabolic process (strengthening and building up, potential stem cell activation).

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Lifespa,John Douillard,Dr John Douillard DC CAP,Ayurveda,Health,

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