significance and facts, independent day is celebrated on 15 august every year in India, on 15 august, 1947 India become independent from British rule and is a gazetted holiday in India,
Independent day : is annual celebrated
On 15 august, as a national holiday in India commemorating the nation's independence from the United Kingdom on 15 august 1947, the day when uk parliament passed the Indian Independence act 1947 transferring legislative sovereignty to the Indian constituent assembly, India still retained king George vi as head of state until it's transition to full republican constitution, India attained independence following the independence movement noted for largely non - vilolent resistance and civil disobedience.
Independenc coincided with the partition of India, in which the brtish India was divided along religious lines in to the Dominions of India and Pakistan, the partition was a accompanied by violent riots and mass casualities, and the displacement of nearly 15 million people do to religious violence , on 15 august 1947. The first prime Minister of India, jawaharlal nehru raised the Indian national flag above the Lahori gate of the red fort in Delhi : on each subsequent Independence Day, the incumbent prime ministers customarily raises the flag and gives an address to the nation,
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