
🔴Bubbles Don't last Forever -- Every Bubble Eventually Finds Its Pin 4K

🔴Bubbles Don't last Forever -- Every Bubble Eventually Finds Its Pin 4K 🔴Bubbles do Not last Forever -- Every Bubble Eventually Finds Its Pin -- Economic Collapse -- Stock Market Crash 4K
When the price of an asset rises faster than can be explained by economic fundamentals, it creates a bubble.
Massive Bubble!
One of the major bubbles in history is finally set to pop.
Trillions and trillions were printed up, and many times that amount was leveraged and loaned throughout the banking and speculative finance universes.
The Real Estate and Stock Market are overvalued by 70%.

Global corporate debt is now over $29 trillion, with nearly one-quarter maturing within five years. The world is awash with credit. $250 trillion in debt. Four times that amount in unfunded liabilities. And a mind-mindbogglingly massive amount of tangled financial derivatives roughly the same size as both those debts and liabilities put together.
Whatever their cause, Bubbles do not last forever and often end not with a pop but with a crash.

Welcome to The Atlantis Report.

Financial bubbles have popped up throughout modern history—from Dutch tulip mania to the more recent subprime lending boom.
Famous bubbles include tulip mania in Holland during the 17th century when the prices of tulips reached unheard-of levels and the South Sea Bubble in Britain a century later. Here speculators, which included a vast array of citizens including parliamentarians and the King's mistress, drove up the share price of the South Sea Trading Company with disastrous results. There have been many others since, including the dot-com bubble in internet company shares that burst in 2000 and the bubble in house prices, which, when it burst in 2007, helped to trigger the recent global economic downturn. Economists argue whether bubbles are caused by the irrational behavior of crowds, aided in part by savvy speculators, or are the result of misinformed consumers who assume the inflated prices are sensible. Whatever their cause, bubbles do not last forever and often end not with a pop but with a crash.

The corrupt people who manipulate the markets are the same ones who created the 'fiat' currency.
They do that a lot to keep the money flowing to the worthless fiat currency and corrupt "markets" -- without the Fed manipulation Gold would be trading now at least at 4,800.
Just about everything is rigged by the US government . Truth and morality have been mostly banished from America and the entire western world.

The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences.

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