
Google PPC - How to Optimise for Conversions

Google PPC - How to Optimise for Conversions Optimising your Google ads account to ensure you spend a minimum amount of money - after all, we don't just want to pay for clicks, we want to pay for new customers, new clients or sales!

Understanding the difference between Google analytics and Google ad words and ensuring you have Google analytics ad words conversion tracking installed across your website, analytics and ad words account will ensure you can track your digital marketing.

With a little bit of clever events tracking code we can also track phone number calls from your website, I will therefore look at how to track a call from a website click in this video.

By the end of this video you will understand more about your digital marketing and how to make money with pay per click and ensure that your pay per click process is optimised on your landing page… I hope you enjoy this PPC tutorial, let me know how you get on.

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#googleppc #ppc #digitalmarketing #adwords


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