
How to Modify the 90|90 for Better Hip Mobility

How to Modify the 90|90 for Better Hip Mobility Here I demonstrate an alternative set-up position to train hip external rotation to improve hip mobility. A lot of people really struggle to sit in the conventional 90/90 position, and this is one of the main reasons they struggle to make hip mobility gains...If you can't get the setup correct when trying to improve mobility, you wont get the results you want.

This has proven to be a very effective way to help my clients improve their hip mobility, and it's one of my go to set-ups when people struggle in the 90/90.

If you're tight, struggling with the 90/90, or working with people who's worth watching the whole video, I know it's long but it could save you a whole lot of time if you're trying to improve your hip mobility.

Improving hip mobility is very important if you want to improve your movement and improve pain / injuries in the lower body and back. But you need to make sure you're not putting excess pressure on your body when trying to do this, which is why this set-up is so good.

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hip moblity,90/90 mobility,improve hip mobility,how to modify the 90/90,functional range conditional for hips,mobility for hips,improve hip rotation,

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