
ICN2 - INPhINIT: Nanoscale heat transport using ultrafast light

ICN2 - INPhINIT: Nanoscale heat transport using ultrafast light PhD Fellowship: Nanoscale heat transport using ultrafast light
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Converting heat to electricity through thermoelectrics is a highly exciting topic due to the interesting physics and its potential to contribute to the energy transition. Layered materials, such as graphene and related materials, could play an important role in novel thermoelectric systems. In this project, you will study nanoscale heat and charge transport in layered materials, aimed at thermoelectric applications. You will combine state-of-the art nanofabrication with several unique measurement techniques that exploit ultrashort laser pulses with durations less than 1 picosecond (one millionth of a millionth of a second). This research is connected to ERC Starting Grant project “CUHL”.

You will get hands-on experience in working with these new material classes, in particular learning exfoliation of layered materials, dry transfer, and various nanofabrication techniques. You will also be introduced to state-of-the art techniques for studying charge and heat transport, including several newly developed techniques based on ultrashort laser pulses, which allow for monitoring heat and charge transport “in real time”.

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