
ON NOTICE: Return scammers and nasty customers might see themselves in one of my videos some day!

ON NOTICE: Return scammers and nasty customers might see themselves in one of my videos some day! #retailhell #returnfraud #unprofessional
Hi, everyone. I am turning over a new leaf in 2020: one with more humor at the expense of con artists, online bullies, and scammers. Please watch the video before commenting, particularly if you plan to tell me that I'm being unprofessional. I beg to differ: I'm very professional to people who deserve it. Where I draw the line in the sand is with people who attempt to steal from us, or who lie or try to bully us into bending the rules for them. I feel like I am enabling these jokers to continue to rip us off and treat us like dirt. It happens all the time and I am SICK of it. We're too small of a store to let people rip us off left, right, and center. I feel no fear or shame in telling everyone that if you attempt to rip me off and then whine about it on social media, I will share your nasty behavior with my entire audience so we can all get a chuckle out of your over-the-top crazy behavior. We won't attack first, because we're not the bullies here. I NEVER attack first, though I definitely think it is well within my rights to respond. This is the internet age. It's the Wild Wild West. It shouldn't be shocking to know that people who are perfectly reasonable IRL can be absolute jack a$$es when they hide behind their keyboards. I don't think the old school silent treatment is enough of a deterrent to keep these people out of my store. (Unlike our competitors, we don't want scammers and online bullies shopping here. You read that right. We don't want their money!) We might as well have some fun with this. I'm going to take their scams and turn it into YouTube gold for my audience. I will redact identifying details to protect their identities, but you will soon find that most of these folks can't help but "out" themselves. They love the drama and the sympathy and attention they get by whining and spinning bogus victim narratives on social media, particularly on review sites or "private" Facebook groups. (Heads up: we can still see you in there!) But once you actually get to hear what humorously nasty pieces of work these people are when they think there are no consequences, it might give you a whole new appreciation for what we do here at CysterWigs...and it could be a lot of fun. ;)


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