
You must ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS and money will begin FLOWING EASILY into your life

You must ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS and money will begin FLOWING EASILY into your life Repeat the questions to yourself as you hear them. The more you repeat them, the quicker they will become your new way of thinking.
Questions are a very powerful way of changing our life. We ask ourselves questions all day long, but are the questions you ask helping you or hurting you? Most people don't even realize that they are asking questions and the Universe is always responding with the answer. For instance; you can't pay your bills on time and so you say to yourself "why does this always happen to me?", and then the Universe answers you by providing more reasons for you to not be able to pay your bills on time. If instead you asked "what if I could pay all of my bills on time and in full?", then the Universe will answer with opportunities and money that will allow you to pay your bills on time and in full. If you want to get better answers, then you must ask new and better questions.
Abraham has spoken many times about using the "What if up" questions to change your beliefs about anything in your life. I started using the "what if up" questions about a year and a half ago, and ever since, my life has change dramatically for the better.
After listening to this video, sit down with a note pad and write out some "What if Ups" for yourself. You can write about any subject matter that is bothering you, or that you want to improve on. Keep your statements general at first, and as you feel better about the subject, you can get more specific with your statements. For instance: you want more money, but you are worried about not being about to pay your bills. If you write in your notebook "what if I was rich" you will probably follow with a yeah right in your mind, but if instead you wrote something like "What if I was open to receiving more money" or "what if I had more money in my life", those don't sound like far off stretches from where you are. So start off by finding the general feel good statements, and as those begin to feel real to you, you will begin manifesting those things into your life, and then you can get more specific with your words.
(PS: I just wanted to add this in - as I finished writing this, I looked at my phone and it is 01:01 December 10 and I have 10 notifications on my phone! Talk about sign from the Universe about being on the right path!!)

Books that have helped me on my self improvement journey:
» The Magic of Believing:
» The Power of Your Subconscious Mind:
» Getting Into The Vortex: Guided Meditations CD and User Guide:
» The Silva Mind Control Method:
» Money, and the Law of Attraction:
» Ask and It Is Given:

Video footage created by my brother
Music: I Am Running Down the Long Hallway of Viewmont Elementary by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Words spoken by me, Emily Rhinier

* Affiliate Disclosure: Unlimited You is part of the Amazon Associates program. I may earn a small commission if you purchase something through any of the Amazon links above.

#dailymotivation #dailyinspiration #lawofattraction

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