

IMPORTANT Animals Humans NEED To SURVIVE! Check out these IMPORTANT Animals Humans NEED To SURVIVE! From incredibly valuable wildlife to working creatures that save the planet, this top 10 list of amazing animals are absolutely crucial to our survival!

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7. Ants
If you’ve ever eaten outside during the summertime, you’ve probably had at least one unwelcome encounter with ants. Or, like yours truly, you accidentally stepped on a fire ant hill. However, as pesky as these insects are, they’re vital to our existence. Ants aerate soil and recycle nutrients by digging tunnels, which also aids in decomposition.

6. Bats
One in every five wild mammals is a bat, and they’re one of the biggest consumers of insects on the planet. Just by doing what they do, bats help to keep insect populations under control, and without them, there would be a lot more bugs. Bats benefit farmers enormously by reducing the need for chemical pesticides and by saving billions of dollars of crops annually.

5. Plankton
This just proves that just because we can’t see an organism doesn’t mean it’s not important. You’ve probably heard of plankton; but, like many, you may not know that much about it. Many people mistakenly believe that all plankton are plants, but plankton can be a number of things.

4. Frogs
Whether you love them or hate them, frogs deserve some credit for their role as bio-indicators. This means that they are useful for indicating the health of their ecosystem. A frog’s porous and permeable skin allows substances in its environment to seep into its fatty tissue. Because frogs live both in water and on land, they help bring attention to contaminants in terrestrial and aquatic habitats.

3. Termites
You may be shocked to learn that an insect humans typically think of as invasive and destructive is actually beneficial in some ways. After all, termites cause billions of dollars’ worth of damage to homes every year, so it’s understandable that most people dislike them. But, like I said, termites aren’t entirely bad. Similar to ants, their activities aerate soil.

Honey is delicious, but that’s not why humans need honeybees. These hardworking insects are critical to sustaining life on Earth because of pollination, which is the transfer of pollen from the male part of a flower, the anther, to the female part, the stigma.

Primates are our closest relatives within the animal kingdom, and they’re special in many ways. At a public debate in London in 2008, Ian Redmond, chairman of an international coalition of organizations known as the Ape Alliance, argued that preventing the extinction of primates is imperative to the well-being of the planet and to modern civilization.

Origins Explained is the place to be to find all the answers to your questions, from mysterious events and unsolved mysteries to everything there is to know about the world and its amazing animals!

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