
MONEY MAGNET ★ Attract Wealth & Fortune ★ Powerful Subliminal

MONEY MAGNET ★ Attract Wealth & Fortune ★ Powerful Subliminal MONEY MAGNET ★ Attract Wealth & Fortune ★ Powerful Subliminal $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

This is a subliminal recording and should not be listened to while driving or operating machinery. The Delta tone in this track is more powerful with headphones on but the subliminal effect will be the same with or without headphones. The Delta tones will place you in a relaxed state. Listen in a low volume but clearly audible. Listen as much and often as you like until you see results and put the law of attraction to work for you! Move into the vibration of what you want to achieve.

Your consciousness will not be able to resist these subliminal affirmations and will pass them directly into your subconscious. Your subconscious mind is quite powerful and as it gets re-programmed with subliminal messages. Subliminal messages have been proven to be an effective tool. Results may take a few days, or several months, it really depends on the person using them. As a general rule, however, it will take 26 to 30 days to make permanent lasting changes to your subconscious. Your subconscious mind creates your reality!

If you wish for the video to last longer, while you sleep for example, just right click on the video screen and choose "Loop"

Hypnotic subliminal affirmations are embedded within this track. The Hypnotic Subliminal affirmations are repeated throughout this track by both male and female voices and are as follows:
I am a magnet for money
I attract money to me
Wealth flows to me
I have a wealthy mindset
I am aligned with the energy of abundance
I am the master of my wealth
My life is full of abundance
I am worthy of a wealthy life
I am abundant
I am deserving of wealth
Every day my wealth grows
I am grateful for the wealth in my life
I have a millionaire mindset
I allow wealth to flow in my life
Being abundant gives me power
The more wealth I have, the more wealth I receive
I receive wealth effortlessly
I see abundance everywhere
I am worthy of receiving more wealth
I am immersed in wealth
I have the ability to generate wealth
I release all opposition to wealth
I am prosperous
I feel more wealthy everyday
I have a prosperous self-image
I accept prosperity and abundance into my life
I have an abundance of money
I am thankful for my prosperity
I live an abundant life
I am financially independent
I am self-sufficient
I travel the road to riches
I feel like a million dollars
I love sharing my abundant wealth
I make wise financial decisions
My wealth expands every day
Financial abundance is part of my life

: Music By Rebecca Reads @ :

#Subliminal #affirmations #lawOfAttraction #Money
#BinauralBeats #DeltaWave #Manifesting #LOA

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