Here at SRI International, our goal is to invent a better future by collaborating on key research areas like space satellites, robotics in space, conversational AI, surgical AI, quantum technology, and more.
I'm here to show you my robot for making traffic stops safer for both police officers and motorists. Every year 16,915,140 drivers are pulled-over in traffic, 195,078 motorists have physical force used on them, 4,488 officers are assaulted, 89 of those motorists die, and 11 of those officers die. With such dangerous interactions between people, maybe it's time to send a robot in between them, one that can't hurt or be hurt. This prototype is a work in progress that I started in my garage and now work on at SRI international. It's only part of the solution, but I hope one day it could save lives.
Want to see other exciting new technologies that SRI International is developing to invent a better future? Please visit our website to learn about more of our key research areas.
Space Satellites:
Conversational AI: and and
Quantum technology:
Deep Fake technology:
Music by Jed Brewer.