
What Is The Good News?

What Is The Good News? This may be the most important video you see all year. Understanding what the Good News really is, is vital to fulfilling the Great Commandment. Is the Good News simply that if we mentally ascend that “Jesus is the Christ” then we’re “saved” and that’s all there is? Or is it something else altogether. This video reveals the remarkable Truth of what the Good News really is and how we can live it out as an example to the world.

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The version you see on the newer videos is "The Scriptures" from the Institute Of Scripture Research. The older videos are NKJ.





Triumph Family,Triumph In Truth,TNT,G. Steven Simons,Hebraic Roots,Hebrew Roots,Jesus,Yeshua,Christ,Christian,Messiah,Messianic,Jew,Jewish,Torah,Bible,Scripture,Lord,God,Elohim,Truth,Old Testament,Old Covenant,Original Covenant,New Testament,Renewed Covenant,New Covenant,Moses,Mosheh,What Is The Good News?,Good News,Great Commaendment,Jesus Is The Christ,Saved,World,

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