These are general readings and may not resonate with everyone.
To request a private video reading email me at
Need a quick question answered quickly?
Quarter Moon (15 mins) $25
Half Moon (30 mins) $50
Third Quarter Moon (45 mins) $75
Full Moon (60 mins) $100
25% Upcharge for 24-Hour Turnaround
Q:What decks are you using?
A: Black Cats Tarot, Pagan Cats Tarot
Q: Why doesn't this resonate for me?
A: It is virtually impossible for one general reading to resonate for thousands.
Q: Is this Sun, Moon or Rising?
A: Can be all of the above.
Q: Why was my comment deleted?
A: Myself, or a moderator, determined that your comment was taking away from our community, rather than adding to it.
Q: Why aren't your entire Sun/Moon Readings free?
A: I happily post some videos as free, despite time and cost to me. However, this is my business and livelihood, and as such, I need to post videos to promote my business to provide income. You are under NO obligation to purchase anything at any time.
Q: Can you contact those who have passed?
A. No, I am not a medium.
Q: Can energies be reversed?
A: Yes, energies CAN flip-flop so keep in mind I could be talking about you or the other party.
Q: I am cross watching, is that okay?
A: Of course it is okay to cross watch. Just keep in mind that I am focusing on the sign I am reading from THEIR perspective, not YOURS.
Q: Why do you shuffle for so long and flip like that?
A: It is my unique style of reading I have had for 30 years. It has proven accurate in conjunction with my abilities. I have no plans to change my style or consider it incorrect.
*Note: Readings could take up to 2-4 business days and will be uploaded to a personal link. I do not offer phone readings at this time. Readings are for entertainment purposes. Veronica Garnet is not affiliated with any advertisements or promotions on this site.