
Couple Creates A Huge Bed For Eight Rescue Dogs

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Couple Creates A Huge Bed For Eight Rescue Dogs

Mariesa and Chris Hughes are a kindhearted couple who both love dogs. The pair have spent their lives helping dogs find forever homes.

When the couple met, Mareisa had two dogs and Chris had six.
“[Chris] had a rescue before The Mr. Mo Project called ‘Rowdy to the Rescue,'” Mariesa told ABC News. “He was fostering Moses at the time then ended up keeping him. Sam had a lot of fear and anxiety and was never adopted out and Meatball has been returned three times. So then, he had the 6 [dogs].”
The couple introduced their dogs to each other, and thankfully, everyone got along.
Sadly, Moses passed away from cancer about two years into Mariesa and Chris’ relationship. The couple wanted to honor the pup, and so they decided to start an animal rescue organization called The Mr. Mo Project. This organization helps old and sick dogs find forever homes.Chris and Mariesa love their dogs more than anything in the world. And so, when they moved in together, they decided they wanted to create a special, one-of-a-kind bed that would fit all of their dogs: Mabel, Gremlin, Meatball, Tejas, Money, The Stig, Sam, and Quinn.
The couple reached out to a local craftsman named Mike Ford. He was touched by the couple’s story and quickly agreed to build the bed for them.
“I’m a dog lover myself, especially senior dogs,” Ford said. “They came up with the idea for the king-sized bed and asked me to come up with the concept to make it all work.”
Ford build the bed out of solid cherry wood that could stand up to the weight of all the dogs. He also included a staircase for the smaller pups who would have trouble climbing onto the bed. In addition, he built three drawers into the side of the bed.
Ford also included a personal touch: he carved in a pawprint in honor of his late dog, Bailey.
Mariesa and Chris absolutely loved the bed. Their dogs loved it too!
“I wake up and I think, ‘This is incredible. I’m like a contortionist with Stig spooning me and Gremlin between my legs and Sam sharing my pillow,'” Mariesa said. “They love it. They love to just be near us. So however we can make that happen, they’re happy.”
Mariesa, Chris, and the dogs also do lots of other fun things together.
The couple and their dogs always enjoy going out to the local parks. They also enjoy piling onto the couch for cuddles. Mariesa and Chris also often have foster dogs in their home, and their sweet pups are always welcoming to the new additions.
Chris and Mariesa are two kind dog lovers who always enjoy spending time with their pups
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