
Nancy Pelosi Just Admitted to This Massive Defeat That Had Her Waving a White Flag

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Nancy Pelosi Just Admitted to This Massive Defeat That Had Her Waving a White Flag

Speaker Nancy Pelosi is gearing up for the biggest fight of her life.
It is not going the way anyone expected.
And Nancy Pelosi just admitted to the biggest defeat of her life.
Polls overwhelmingly show the American people want the Democrats to move on from the Mueller investigation and give up on impeaching Donald Trump.
But rank-and-file Democrats – as well as the party’s Presidential contenders – are giving into their base’s seething hatred of Donald Trump and are agitating for impeachment.
Pelosi is a shrewd political strategist and knows this course of action would prove disastrous in 2020.
So Pelosi is using every trick in her book to hold them off on impeachment.
During a closed-door meeting – while the President was representing America overseas – Pelosi declared that impeaching the President did not go far enough, only prison served as an appropriate punishment.
“I don’t want to see him impeached, I want to see him in prison,” Pelosi said in response to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler pressing for her blessing to open an impeachment inquiry.
The Speaker upped her urgency in attacking the President after grassroots activists booed her at the California State Democrat Convention and chanted “impeach” at her.
Pelosi’s increasingly hot rhetoric is an admission that she is losing control of her caucus.
And there is more evidence the impeachment fight is getting away from her.
CNN reported that Judiciary Committee Chairman Nadler told pro-impeachment Democrats on his committee that he is supportive of their efforts.
And Nadler told reporters that opening an impeachment inquiry would not solely be Pelosi’s decision.
“When that decision has to be made, it will be made not by any one individual, it will be made probably by the caucus as a whole. Certainly, Nancy will have the largest single voice in it, (and) various committee chairs and rank-and-file members,” Nadler told reporters.
Nadler is trying to show respect for Pelosi’s position, but he clearly let it be known that the pro-impeachment Democrats in the House would guide the decision making process.
This is a humiliating turn of events for Speaker Pelosi.
The fake news regularly publishes stories claiming Pelosi runs her caucus with an iron grip.
The impeachment fight clearly shows that is not the case.
Pelosi’s grip is loosening and the kook fringe is seizing control.
Many Democrats – including Nancy Pelosi – believes President Trump would love nothing more than a bare knuckles political brawl over impeachment.
It would show that the Democrats are an out-of-the-mainstream rogue outfit hellbent on putting their revenge over what is good for the country.
But this fight may be unavoidable.
Each day, the number of House Democrats agitating for impeachment rises.
Soon it will hit a critical mass and Pelosi will have to wave the white flag of surrender.

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