
Was hoping that the doves would follow me home again (about 20 last time did)

Was hoping that the doves would follow me home again (about 20 last time did) During this past winter I was worried about the birds outside so made some warm shelters and kept putting bread, etc. outside for them... as the snow melted I found that I had their attention, not only the ones that I was attempting to help, but every bird in the city seemed to know what I was doing! They had timed flying by me with berries in the mouth when I needed hope and even learned to use English to communicate with me. Its kind of difficult to understand them something when they speak English and it is like talking to maybe the Borg or something but they seem more intelligence than an individual person in some ways but lack intelligence as an individual bird. Nonetheless, they are able to communicate using English and are learning to speak with me. They introduced themselves as the rescue rangers. So far they have been going along with everything that I have asked them to do and they seem aware of the food that I eat. I was vegan for 7 years and yes they know what this means. It breaks my heart being able to hear them announce when eggs hatch and being there to see the first time that the babies learn to fly. It has been a magical experience but it does not end there. After thanking me using English for trying to help them we have been making music together by their landing on power lines to indicate which strings and notes for me to play on my guitar!

At my current residence I have three different areas in which they use to let me know which strings they want me to play. They are working on becoming familiar with all of the notes and the songs that come out in the result are always beautiful! One day I had trained them how to introduce themselves as couples letting them know that I am working on building a bird chapel for their weddings. I know that this will be happening as they have been intelligence enough to follow my lead and are willing to participate in whatever I have asked of them. I draw on the sidewalk and driveway what to do as they continuously say "we do" . .. and using twigs placed in certain areas and pictures that I have drawn I taught them to introduce themselves as couples... in one day I was able to meet many "married" couples which came out to be dozens of finch, quail, and some ducks which flew over to check out the commotion. Since the quail and ducks seem to want to participate in making songs but cannot land on the powerlines I have drawn six lines on the ground and rotate from an antenna, powerlines, and the drawn strings on the driveway (which seems to be their favorite!).

I decided to start documenting this as the result will be a bird chapel and ultimate cuteness worthy of the internets.

bird,birds,birdsong,playing for birds,birds on wires,birds on powerlines,guitar with birds,wild birds,

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