
Brown Bag Prescription Audit: Minimize Side-effects and truly get better!!

Brown Bag Prescription Audit: Minimize Side-effects and truly get better!! Excerpt from: Brown Bag Rx Audit - Minimize Side-effects and truly get better!!
Vimal Patel, RPh,CCN, CAd, DiHom:
As a pharmacist, board certified clinical nutritionist, certified addictionologist and homeopath; It was difficult for Vimal to see people with side-effects, weakened mind and bodies. African born, educated in the UK and USA, Vimal’s search for better solutions led him to study around the world for solutions that could solve the actual problem instead of masking the symptoms. With over 30 years of experience and having helped tens of thousands of people; Vimal speaks actively on long term health, the optimal life and being in control of your future.

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