
The disappointment of putting our trust in people rather than God

The disappointment of putting our trust in people rather than God Have you ever had those around you not meet your expectations? or have you ever felt people have disappointed you to the point where it affects your everyday life. Today on Daily Renewal we discuss the disappointment of putting our trust in people rather than God. "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." Galatians 6:9
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The disappointment of putting our trust in people rather than God,Google,Daily Renewal,Ministerios Ebenezer Pastor Lyle,It Had To Happen | Pastor Steven Furtick,Don't put yourself through it | Pastor Steven Furtick,Overcoming Loneliness & Building Friendships That Fit | Holly Furtick,What's hurting your relationships? | Pastor Steven Furtick,How To Handle Disappointment | Pastor Steven Furtick,hope,Relationships,relationships,friendships,jesus christ,forgiveness,

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