
Trying out my 2 Engl Cabloaders jamming over a Groovy Backing Track

Trying out my 2 Engl Cabloaders jamming over a Groovy Backing Track #engl #cabloader #kiesel #g-system #nova drive #t.cspark #
Not having to use microphones to record one's amp has been the dream since the beginning. Using 2 Engl Cabloaders to make full use of the G-System's capabilities, whilst getting the tone from my Engl Screamer 50 tube amp and more, I can finally practise with headphones and record myself in stereo, using the dynamic range of the tube amp, in part also thanks to the TAD Silencer, which allows me to turn up the amp without bringing down the house. The right output utilizes the amp's power amp, whilst the left output makes use of the Cabloader's power amp sounds. It adds an extra dimension to the sound IMHO. What do you think?


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