
How Can I Remove A Past Negative Event From My Life?

How Can I Remove A Past Negative Event From My Life? ✔️SUBSCRIBE✔️

How Can I Remove A Past Negative Event From My Life? Everyone at some point in their life have suffered one or a number of negative events in their life...

Negative events like:

- Retrenched from their job...
- A business partnership breakdown...
- Failure of a business...
- Divorce...
- Death of a loved one...

It doesn't matter who you are, in life, shit happens, and that's part of life...

It's not what happens to us in life, it's how we deal with it, that's important...

How can we move forward from such negative events so they don't control our present and future life experience?...

I was speaking with a lady 2 months ago and the main topic of her conversation was about her Ex husband...

She kept referring to him about how bad he was and what he had done to her...

She was still very emotional about it, so I was thinking in my head that the separation must have just happened...

As it turned out, it was over 6 years ago and she was living and talking as of it was only yesterday...

That's how a past negative event can control our present and future moments....

Who wants to live life like this?...

I didn't think so....

Can we change the past event?


We can't change the past event...

Listen up....

What we can do is REMOVE THE NEGATIVE EMOTION from the event so it has no power over you...

That's right...

This is so powerful, pay attention...

We can remove the negative emotion, take the learning from the event, and move on creating a wonderful life without the baggage of past negative events...

This is a powerful process I use with my clients so they can be FREE of those negative emotions that cause sickness and disease in our body and stop us from living a magnificent, purposeful life...

Here's the deal...

I will be conducting an exclusive training for a few select people to remove their negative emotions from their past events and teach them to do the same for others...

If I'm speaking to you, yes you, please register now on the link below and let's talk more....

NLP Leadership Practitioner Exclusive Training...

Register Here Now:


#MegaLivingMagicMoments #ExecutiveOnlineCoaching #PaulSimos

NLP Master Coach & Trainer = or

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