
Jeet Kune Do Offensively Bridging The Gap Applying Pak Sao Lap Sao

Jeet Kune Do Offensively Bridging The Gap Applying Pak Sao Lap Sao Jeet Kune Do Offensively Bridging The Gap Applying Pak Sao Lap Sao

Attack By Draw (ABD)

Attack By Draw is used by intentionally leaving yourself open to bait a specific attack with the intentions of countering it. ABD can also be used by initiating an attack to bait a counter/defense while being ready to answer it with a re-counter.

Some Common ABDs:

(Hands down face forward bait) snap back, straight right
(Jab to bait the counter jab) slip-out, Straight Right
Just like PIAs the opportunity for ABDs are very limited and should be used with caution. It's always good policy to develop a variety of counters against one technique. This will help your ABDs more effectively and will also help prevent ABDs being used on you.

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Up & coming international Urban Combat - Jeet Kune Do seminars coming soon 2019

For more information contact:


Emil Martirossian Close Quarter Unarmed Combat Specialist. Martial Arts Hall of Fame 2001 - 2019 in recognition of his commitment to gain martial arts practice greater popularity both in the United Kingdom and around the World.

Do not attempt any of the martial arts techniques, unless in a fit state of health or with a professional martial arts instructor. EM is not liable for any persons injured.

Jeet Kune Do,Street Survival Training,Japanese Ju Jitsu,Silat,Bruce Lee's JKD Trapping,Bruce Lee,Wing Chun,Jeet Kune Do (Martial Art),Martial Arts (Sport),Martial Arts Film (Film Genre),Bruce Lee (Martial Artist),Jackie Chan (Martial Artist),Dan Inosanto (Martial Artist),Martial Arts Of Shaolin (Film),Action Film (Film Genre),Stunt Coordinator (Film Job),keanureeves,Advanced JKD Trapping,Ip Man 4,Attack By Draw,Bridging The Gap,Pak Sao,Lap Sao,JKD,

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