
7 Reasons why literary agents and publishers reject a book. Dealing with rejection as a writer!

7 Reasons why literary agents and publishers reject a book. Dealing with rejection as a writer! The publishing industry is tough. You usually need a literary agent to get a book published, but more often than not, they will reject your book or manuscript. What are the top reasons for rejection by a literary agent or publisher? This tough love video for new writers will tell you the top 7 things that make a literary agent or publisher throw your novel, book, or manuscript into the slush pile immediately, and reject it. How do you deal with rejection as a writer? Karena Akhavein, a PhD Writing coach and founder of Spalmorum, will tell you what NOT to do to avoid rejection, and what to do to fix the writing mistakes you are making with your book so you can get represented by a literate agent and get your book published. This can make the difference between being a successful published author and not.

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