Brano scritto e arrangiato da Ilaria Bellucci.
Video realizzato da Francesca Carrera.
Registrato presso Redroom Recording Studio (Pisa) da Giovanni Ghezzi.
Produzione artistica - Ilaria Bellucci e Letizia Pieri.
You turn my head off
You lull my thoughts asleep
What a relief
not hearing them knocking
not hearing them pattering
You turn my head off
you make my thoughts fall asleep
what a relief
the silence and the light heart
to me with a stone heavy heart and a proud greedy mind
eating me bit by bit
Noboby knows but me
how grand your eyes are
when you let your guard down
how warm my hands are
and how weak my heart can be
Nobody Knows
you turn my head off
do you believe it happens to me often?
my mind is full of boxes
and you have unlocked many of them
without even struggling a little
my mind is full of boxes
you’re walking around them
wich one would you like to be in?
can you handle this?
I don’t think you can handle this