
Once Upon a Time in Bethlehem [2]: The Meantime

Once Upon a Time in Bethlehem [2]: The Meantime To practice Advent is to lean into an almost cosmic ache: our deep, wordless desire for things to be made right and the incompleteness we find in the meantime. - Tish Harrison Warren - New York Times

Luke’s gospel starts with the story of a man called Zachariah. He’s not a hero of the faith, or even a key person in the story. It turns out he’s Jesus’ Mom’s sister’s husband. But he has an encounter with an angel that he’s not sure he believes and this sends him on a nine month journey of silence and waiting.

So it’s a story that many of us can relate to…waiting, wondering, curious about how things are going to turn out. Fortunately, for Zachariah and us, the God of the Christmas story is a God for the meantime, for the middle. What we discover in this story is that even if we don’t entirely know how much we can trust God, he’ll still be working.


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