
✅ Put aside personal drama and make jobs, money for Malaysia, Muhyiddin tells Pakatan leaders

✅  Put aside personal drama and make jobs, money for Malaysia, Muhyiddin tells Pakatan leaders 💖 Please Subscribe:
✍ PUTRAJAYA, Dec 11 — Pakatan Harapan (PH) was voted into power to resolve Malaysia’s economic decline, Tan Sri Muhyiddin reminded his political partners today amid continued mud-slinging within the coalition. The PH deputy president urged allies in the four-party PH to stop their infighting and double down on creating jobs in the pursuit of enlarging the economic pie. “People want to see the work that we have done. Not working to fight among each other. That is not what the rakyat is interested to discuss as we are the government. “They hope what we can do is to help the people, especially in economic woes, high living costs and to create plenty of job opportunities as well welfare and benefits,” he told reporters at the Home Ministry lobby here after seeing off emergency aid for flood victims. Muhyiddin was asked to comment on the rift between PKR’s top two leaders, president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and deputy Datuk Seri Azmin Ali, which has hogged headlines for weeks and is continui ...


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