In this video, we are proud to recap S BLOCK's Quantum Leap and Plan Flash Global Tour Grand Finale Conference. We were flown out to Macau to attend the event in person, November 15th, 2019.
"An 11-stop global tour will be held this month to spread awareness of Plan Flash and Quantum Leap to our partners, especially with its nearing launch dates. The 11 conference stops would be held in Jeju Island, South Korea; Bangkok, Thailand; Seoul, South Korea; New Delhi, India; Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; Tokyo, Japan; Taipei, Taiwan; Osaka, Japan, Taichung, Taiwan. After these 11 stops, the tour would conclude in a grand conference in Macau.
Good news would be announced during the tour! Members from all over the world are invited for the conference stops to receive the latest news!
The Macau conference is estimated to host 1000 people, and tentatively scheduled for 2-4pm. This would be the concluding event after 11 international conference stops that started on 2 November.
The tour would detail Plan Flash and Quantum Leap, with the former being launched on 8 November 2019. All dynamic revenue will be calculated then, with revenue statements and PF value-adds announced during the tour.
At the same time, Quantum Leap would be launched on 16 November 2019. SBO would be listed on the WBFex exchange on 1 December."
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