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Arnold became the highest grossing and most well known movie star of his day. If someone achieved that goal alone in their life you better believe they’d be deemed a stunning success.
He also became a Republican governor of a state traditionally dominated by Democrats.
Some astute political pundits would call this achievement the greatest of Arnold’s career because overcoming the “party line” mentality in most US states is often an impossible feat for candidates.
Did I mention that Arnold Schwarzenegger became virtually a millionaire before he even started bodybuilding in the States? He and a few friends ran wildly successful mail order and construction businesses when he was an unknown.
How did one man reach the pinnacle of bodybuilding, film, and just about the pinnacle of American politics in one lifetime?
He Was Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable
Arnold mentioned in the bodybuilding movie Pumping Iron that:
“I have thrown up in the gym many times. It’s all worth it.”
He worked out so intensely that he would sometimes vomit after doing a set. He saw the goal of being Mr. Olympia and didn’t care about any momentary discomfort he experienced to reach that point.
Arnold is an idol of mine because I learned early on in my bodybuilding career that if I wanted to grow I had to become super uncomfortable at times.
I transferred that same mindset to my blogging career. I write 4000 to 6000 words daily. No excuses, no complaints, no “putting it off for another day.”
I have-
Been featured on over 40 authority blogs in 3 months
Had my first 2 eBooks tweet endorsed by a New York Times Best Selling Author
Traveled the world for the past 40 months as a full time pro blogger (in Fiji now)
Been asked to speak at prestigious NYU
Published 3 eBooks in 3 months (and am working on 2 more as of this writing)
Have grown my Blogging from Paradise blog and brand quickly in 3 months
No matter how uncomfortable I feel, I write. Growing is so darn freeing but it’s a bit unpleasant at times.
Stretch. Reach a bit beyond. Practice writing. Tweak your copy. Submit guest posts to authority blogs. Push yourself.
You’ll find that when you dive into uncomfortable areas you’ll free yourself from constricting limiting beliefs.
He Devoted All of His Energy to Doing 1 Thing Well
Arnold didn’t try to win the Mr. O, to become the biggest star in Hollywood and to become a Republican governor in California all at once. He devoted all of his creative energies to 1 chief purpose at a time.
Doing so helped him reach the top. After each major achievement he chose to move on to a new definite major purpose. He may have held a vision of himself achieving each goal but he never tried to do more than 1 thing extraordinarily well.Arnold became the highest grossing and most well known movie star of his day. If someone achieved that goal alone in their life you better believe they’d be deemed a stunning success.
He also became a Republican governor of a state traditionally dominated by Democrats.
Some astute political pundits would call this achievement the greatest of Arnold’s career because overcoming the “party line” mentality in most US states is often an impossible feat for candidates.
Did I mention that Arnold Schwarzenegger became virtually a millionaire before he even started bodybuilding in the States? He and a few friends ran wildly successful mail order and construction businesses when he was an unknown.
How did one man reach the pinnacle of bodybuilding, film, and just about the pinnacle of American politics in one lifetime?
He Was Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable!