
Varying the break-off condition when iterating the Mandelbrot set

Varying the break-off condition when iterating the Mandelbrot set The Mandelbrot Set is the set of complex numbers c that remain bounded when plugged into the sequence
z_n=z_{n-1} ^2 +c.

Practically that means you keep iterating the sequence until it has a bigger absolute value than a certain boundary, where you are sure it will diverge to infinity. Then you color that number according to how any iteration steps it took you to get there.
After enough iteration steps you give up, assuming the number will never excel the boundary and thus is part of the Mandelbrot Set, so you color it black.

For this to work you must choose a boundary as your creak-off condition that is at least 2.

In this viedeo I tune up the break-off condition from 0 to 4. So in the first half of the video we do not see the real Mandelbrot set, because we exlide numbers that are actually part of it.

Music: Beginning of "Algorithms" by Chad Crouch
licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial License. (Link:

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Mandelbrot Set,Apfelmännchen,

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